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What moves the Binary Options markets? Economic news events affect supply and demand every day, moving prices. provides comprehensive coverage of all these important events and how to trade them.

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Stay on top of market moving events! Look no further! Get our Newsletter for Traders. It’s easy, convenient, and totally free.

This newsletter provides:

  • The Week Ahead for Binary Options Traders

    Improve your trading knowledge with an outlook of the next week in the trading market. Each issue covers a weekly forecast, the week in charts, special reports and trading tips.

  • Market Trends and Predictions

    No matter which binary options brokers, from the many featured here at binary options wire, you choose to conduct your trading with, having accurate information about the market trends and access to some insightful predictions, could surely give you an added edge and increase your chances to place trades that will end in the money.

  • Brokers Bonus and promotions

    Each issue covers in a detailed manner the latest Binary Options & Forex brokers bonuses, promotions, contests and other special offers provided by the online brokers. The different bonuses can benefit both the novice trader and the professional one. All the offers were checked by and found valid and reliable.